Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Type Classifications Exercise

Type Classification Exercises (same basic layout for all five typefaces)

Type Arrangements Exercise


Rearrange the paragraphs you have created for the Five Classic Typefaces exercises to meet the following specifications:

Garamond: Justified
Baskerville: Flush Left, Ragged Right
Didot: Flush Right, Ragged Left
Century Schoolbook: Centered
Helvetica: Random

Please be sure to read the design concerns listed with each example:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Typeface Classification: Exercise 1

Old Style: Garamond; 1615 

Transitional: Baskerville; 1757

Modern: Didot; 1788

Egyptian (Slab Serif): Century Schoolbook; 1894

Sans Serif: Helvetica; 1957